Local 39
IUOE Stationary Engineers, Local 39
The International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) was organized and established on December 7, 1896 as a craft labor Union with two divisions. The first is Hoisting and Portable Engineers, men and women who work predominantly in the construction industry. The second is the Stationary Engineers, men and women who operate and maintain the physical plant systems in buildings, hotels, schools, hospitals and like facilities.
In 1947, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 was created through the consolidation of nine Local Unions. Local 39’s philosophy can be summed up in four words: Organize, negotiate, service and train. Organize effectively, negotiate intelligently, service efficiently, and train extensively.
Local 39 actively fights to improve our members’ quality of life on and off the job, through access to fair wages, good benefits, safe working conditions and solidarity among members. Our members are our Locals – regular people who expect to earn decent wages and benefits for our hard work and commitment to getting the job done right.
Once in the Union, our members get the best contracts possible. Local 39 members who need the Union’s assistance receive immediate attention. Representation is provided by a highly trained, full time staff of Business Representatives and attorneys who are specialists in public and private sector employer-employee relations. These professionals are responsible to bargaining units and members for all components of the representation process. From first level grievances and contract negotiations, to rights or interest lawsuits, Local 39 is a full service Union.
Local 39 conducts a complete training program open to all our members. Our training program is a model copied by other Unions and recognized as second to none throughout the United States and Canada.
Mission Statement:
Stationary Engineers, Local 39 exists to provide for the general welfare of its members and to improve the economic position and conditions of employment for its members, their families and workers everywhere.

Training has always been one of the cornerstones of Local 39's success. Under the leadership of Business Manager Bart Florence, Local 39 continues its unwavering commitment to provide quality training to both public and private sector members.
The Local 39 Training and Education Department offers courses and seminars in a variety of disciplines ranging from Air Conditioning and Refrigeration to Water Treatment. Educational opportunities are constantly reviewed and updated to keep pace with changing technology and the skills demanded by today's workplace. Local 39's training centers in San Francisco and Sacramento feature state-of-the-art facilities with a full-time staff of education coordinators and highly skilled instructors. Employers have a high degree of confidence in the training that Local 39 provides. In fact, employers are some of the biggest boosters of the Union's training program. They know that their employees who attend Local 39''s training receive top-notch, up-to-date, legally certifiable skills that make them invaluable assets. Local 39 also offers an Apprenticeship Program that combines classroom technical instruction with on-the-job training that is recognized as one of the most complete and successful in the nation. The training program that Stationary Engineers, Local 39 offers to all its members is what separates Local 39 from other Unions. Training and improving job skills allows Local 39 members to achieve their highest potential and allows the Union to take a strong position, on their behalf, at the bargaining table. Training now, and in the future, will keep Local 39 members and the Union strong and productive. For more information on training and education offered by Local 39 check out this link: The Stationary Engineers Local 39 Training Department is committed to providing the highest level of job-related training available for both Apprentices and Journeypersons. The targeted objective is to ensure that individuals who successfully complete training programs sponsored by the Northern California and Northern Nevada Joint Apprenticeship Committee (Joint Labor/Management Training Fund) have obtained the basic skills needed to perform their respective job duties.
Coming Soon
The website is being redesigned and will be featuring more functions for our members.
Stay tuned!

IUOE Stationary Engineers, Local 39
337 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 861-1135
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Dispatch Line: (415) 861-1178 10:00 am - 11:00 am